Rights of Shareholders
Introductory Remarks. This Section “Rights of Shareholders” aims to provide rights of shareholders arising from Estonian law applicable in respect of the Shareholders of the Company.
Right to Participate in Corporate Governance. The shareholders of a limited liability company are entitled to take part in the corporate governance of such company through the general meeting of shareholders, where they can exercise their powers to decide on certain important corporate matters, such as the amendment of the articles of association, the increase and decrease of the share capital, the approval of annual reports and the distribution of profit, the dissolution, merger, division or transformation of the company, and certain other matters. The general meeting of shareholders is the highest governing body of a limited liability company.
The ordinary general meeting of shareholders must be held once a year pursuant to the procedure and at the time set forth by the law and the articles of association.
The notice of an upcoming general meeting of shareholders must be disclosed to shareholders three weeks in advance.A resolution of the shareholders shall be adopted if 51% per cent of the votes of the participants in the shareholders’ meeting or of all the votes in the case of deciding without convening the meeting is given in favor unless otherwise provided for by law or the Articles of Association.
Only those shareholders are eligible to attend and vote at a general meeting of shareholders who were on the list of shareholders as of the date falling seven calendar days before the meeting.
As a rule, the resolutions of a general meeting of shareholders require the affirmative vote of the majority of the votes represented at the meeting. Certain resolutions, such as amending the articles of association, increasing or decreasing the share capital, resolutions relating to a merger or liquidation of the company, etc., require a qualified majority of 2/3 of the votes represented at the meeting of shareholders.Right to Information. The shareholders of the company have the right to receive information on the activities of the company from the management board at the general meetings of shareholders. However, the management board may refuse to give information if there is a reason to presume that this may cause significant damage to the interests of the company. In the event the management board refuses to give information, shareholders may require the general meeting of shareholders to decide on the legality of such refusal.
Right to Dividends. All shareholders of the Company have the right to participate in the distribution of profit of the company and have the right to receive dividends proportionally to their shareholding in the company. Resolving the distribution of profit and the payment of dividends is in the competence of the general meeting of shareholders. The resolution of the distribution of profit and the payment of dividends is adopted on the basis of the approved annual report for the preceding financial year, whereas the management board is under the obligation to make a proposal for the distribution of profit and the payment of dividends in the annual report or in a separate document accompanying the annual report.
As at the date of this White Paper, the Shareholders holding over 25% of all Shares in the Company are the following:
Name of Shareholder Proportion
Mr. Amadeusz Ignis 50%
Mr. Bartosz Misiurek 50%
The Management is as at the date of this White Paper not aware of any arrangements or circumstances, which may at a subsequent date result in a change in control over the Company. The major Shareholders of the Company do not have voting rights different from those described in Section “Rights of Shareholders” below.
Management Structure
In accordance with Estonian law, the operational management of the Company depends on the Management Board. On the day of the White Paper the Management Board contains two members.The address of operations of the Management Board is the registered address of the Company - Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Lõõtsa tn 5, 11415.
Management Board
Role. The Management Board of the Company is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company’s operations, the representation of the Company and for organizing its accounting. Further, it is the obligation of the Management Board to draft the annual reports. The Company is represented by two Members of the Management Board. Each board member can represent the Company separately. The members of the Management Board held a liability with its personal assets. The liability is practically unlimited.Members of the Management Board. According to the Articles of Association, the Management Board comprises one to five members. Currently, the Management Board contains two members:
Mr. Amadeusz Ignis
Mr. Bartosz Misiurek
Share Ownership
On the day of the White Paper, 100% of all the Shares are directly held by the members of the management body of the Company.
Conflicts of Interests and Other Declarations
According to the knowledge of the Management, there are no known actual or potential conflicts of interest between the duties of any of the members of the Management Board of the Company, and their private interests or other duties.According to the knowledge of the Management, none of the members has ever been convicted in a criminal offense or been a member of a governing body of a legal entity subject to bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings at the time of initiating the relevant proceedings. Furthermore, none of the persons referred to in this Section has ever been disqualified by a competent court from acting as a member of an administrative, supervisory or management body or conducting affairs of a legal entity.
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